In order to become a member of the PNW CWOA, do the following:
- Apply for membership with the National CWOA by going to USCG Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers Association (CWOA) Memberships – Membership Management Software ( (
- Once you have become a member with the National CWOA, become a member in good standing with the CWOA PNW by paying the annual dues of $10. Annual dues are by calendar year and are due in January.
Ways to pay the annual $10 dues are to:
- Provide payment to the Treasurer via cash or check
- Use the “Pay Now” button towards the bottom of the page. If this option is utilized, please send an email to with your full name, amount paid, date of payment, and reason for payment. This will assist the Treasurer with funds accountability by helping to distinguish between a donation, payment for merchandise, or membership dues.
If there are any questions, feel free to reach out to any Chapter Officer or send an email to